Thursday, May 31, 2012


Last year I had the wonderful opportunity to study one semester abroad thanks to an amazing exchange program provided by my university. It was all pretty cool, got to meet lots of new places, gained life changing experiences, but what really amazed me was how, umm... my creativity was at its maximum level, if that makes any sense, I was drawing and painting almost every day, tried new materials, new techniques, new shapes and aaahhh and I had so many great plans about how to "make it" once I was back in "the real world", but it's been almost 4 months since I came back and I haven't done a single thing! It's like I have lost all my drive/enthusiasm to do things, I am just not productive anymore and I really don't know why... DUN DUN DUN I'm in limbo!!!

It doesn't help that I don't have to go to school anymore because, supposedly, I officially finished all my classes (cause the semester I spent abroad was the last semester of my career), but that doesn't mean that I graduated, because... thesis, and social service. Since I haven't started my thesis nor my social service I don't think I am considered a student, also I don't have a job (funemployed!), basically I'm not a productive member of society, basically. Limbo, again :(

As silly as this may sound, this limbo I'm living in is one of the reasons why I started this blog, I think that if I keep this thing updated it will somehow help me to put my life in order, little by little.

So, the plan is to keep a productive and positive attitude, no more staying up until 4 am and then sleeping til noon (ahaha I'm a joke), no more eating like there was no tomorrow, this weekend I am going to clean my bike and fix it and ride it cause I feel like physical activity is what's going to help me to be active agaaaaainnn!!! Getting closer and closer to ~adulthood~ hell yes.

I also need to work on a new header, oooh it's all under construction.

Have fun, stay young, be cool! Cool beans! Solid!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Quetza! Pues sí, adulthood is here, and it's not easy... jaja. Créeme, sé cómo te sientes porque aunque yo estoy en la escuela estudiando lo que me gusta (Música) y a pesar de que ya terminé una carrera (a fuerza, Comunicación) igual siento que estoy en el limbo. Creo que algo que influye mucho en ésto es el hecho de que estudiemos arte... a veces se puede poner muy subjetivo el asunto y cómo que te dan ganas de ya mandarlo todo al diablo and put on a suit and make some money... sad, but true. Ha estado bien difícil para mí conseguir un trabajo que se acomode a mis clases, tuve una horrible job experience al empezar el año, y pues como tú sabrás éstas carreras no son tan fáciles como la gente piensa y necesitas de muchas horas de práctica y estudio. Lo que me ha servido un poco para estar motivada es eso de la actividad física, cada que puedo me salgo a correr y ¡en verdad que te hace sentir mejor! y ya también empecé a cuidar lo que como. Anyway, lo que te puedo decir es que en verdad creo que tienes mucho talento y cuando empieces a hacer cosas buenas por ti, tu creatividad va a salir solita, ya verás. Te mando un abrazo y te deseo mucha suerte in your future endeavors, let me know how it goes and wish me luck too! éste verano voy a estudiar violín like there's no tomorrow jaja
    Cuídate mucho and put those coloured pencils to work, gurl!
