Sunday, February 24, 2013

Internal struggle or something

Hace unas semanas me fui a cortar el cabello y me quedé pensando en unas cuantas cosas y luego pensé que debería dibujarlas. Dudo que esto cuente como cómic, es más como un sketch/journal o no sé, pero bueh, ahí vaaaa...

Friday, February 15, 2013

"I'm so tired"

"out here i can barely see my breath, surrounded by jealousy and death
i can't be reached, only had one call. dragged underneath, separate from you all.

this time i've lost my own return, in spite of everything i've learned
i hid my tracks, spit out all my air, slipped into cracks, stripped of all my cares.

i'm so tired sheep are counting me. no more struggle, no more energy
no more patient and you can write that down, it's all too crazy and i'm not sticking round."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tales from the sketchbook. 2

In this edition of "Tales from the sketchbook" we have a couple of sharks and heterochromia iridum.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tales from the sketchbook

I just realized Valentine's day is coming very soon, however this is not an intentional Valentine's day post. This isn't very romantic anyway, but it sort of fits?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Garabato de inconformidad.

Febrero del 2013 y sigo esperando a que llegue el invierno, me siento estafada.

(Cuando estaba haciendo este sketch me di cuenta de que en ambas tengo cada de asco, en la primera probablemente porque envidiaba a todos los que vivían el verdadero invierno cada año y en la segunda porque quería usar abrigos y el clima no me dejaba, creo que esto sólo prueba la teoría de que siempre seré una amargada)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some of my favourite countries are islands, part 4: United Kingdom

And finally, the last entry of the Islands series: The United Kingdom!
This is actually the only island I've had the pleasure to visit, well... technically I only went to England, but it was pretty amazing, great people, great music, beautiful architecture and lovely everything, I have very fond memories of Oxford, London and Manchester and  I keep dreaming about going back, hopefully my dreams will become a reality pretty soon, Cowley Road is waiting for me!

Now some pictures of the process and a few pictures of the pictures of my trip, enjoy!

Stay cool everyone. x