Monday, July 23, 2012



Sooooooo, I used a random number generator, a number was picked at random (oooobviously) and the winner issssss...

Congraaaaaaaaatssss!! You are getting free stickers yaaaaay!

Thanks a lot to all the lovely people who participated! This was really fun, I will definitely make more in the future.

Take care!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

This week in images

This week I spent a few days in a small town away from the big smoke, lots of gardening, bike riding, contemplation and hard work

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kiki's Delivery Service

Few sketches in homage to Miyazaki's wonderful film 

Ahhh I think I am obsessed with her, she's just too cute!
No Jiji though, still need to practice how to draw cats.